Fund Financing

        Click Here for the Summary of Revenue

  1. An actuarial study is required every three years for determining the soundness of the Fund and consideration of any increase in benefits as proposed by the Board Members. Any increase in benefits or changes must be recommended by the Actuary and presented to and passed by the Legislature to be enacted.
  2. Monies to maintain the Fund come from a cost levied against fines in the City and County courts; Membership Contributions; and return from investments.
  3. Accountability for all income and expenses - Audited by State Examiners of Public Accounts.
  4. Available upon request is the complete Legislative Act creating the Fund.

Inquiries should be directed to:

Alabama Peace Officers' Annuity & Benefit Fund
514 South McDonough Street
Post Office Box 2186
Montgomery, Al 36102-2186

Phone:(334) 242-4079
Fax:(334) 242-4072
Toll Free:1-888-350-4079
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